Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I love pretty

I can't help it!!! I'm a girl and a girly one at that . I just plum love pretty. Good thing J don't mind. My house is pretty. there are floral valances and long swooping swags, pictures of flowers with beautiful color schemes. My daughters' room is pretty with mosquito netting and shabby chic pillows and bedding and pretty things here and there.

I'm a traditionalist at heart. I love crown molding and intricate wood work , rich colors and well pretty. Never been much into the modern look with all those sleek lines and abstract art or the country with what nots sitting here and there baskets and all that. however, if any of that falls into the "pretty" category well then I can truly appreciate that too.

It's funny cause I was talking to someone who said a new husband was having issues with a piece of art his new wife hung on the wall... It had a flower on it...:LOL. I have lots of flower pictures of pictures that have flowers on them.... thankfully my J never complained cause he knows how much it means to me.

I remember when I was growing up , I told my mom I had a hard time keeping a certain room in our house clean because it just wasn't pretty . She was a single mom with a twin that we lived with most of our growing up years. The house had multi colored gold shag carpet from the 70's .... I just abhorred it!!!! it was my least favorite room in the house because it was so ugly!! She promptly went and bought some pretty flowers in a arranged them in a pot and some matching throw pillows , slip cover and area rugs..... it helped. A LOT!!!
These days I find myself the same. My least favorite  rooms in the house are the ones with whitewalls, and that we haven't refinished yet... like for instance the upstairs bathroom.... I finally painted the country blue cabinets and took down the navy and gold moon and star wall paper border... (who ever thought that went together anyway)  I just couldn't bear to look at that gawd awful color any more !!!!

Being surrounded by pretty things makes me feel better. It doesn't have to be expensive . My latest acquisition is a $4.00 print I bought at a yard sale  and the gorgeous swag curtains I  traded a friend . (It's all so gorgeous it prompted me to redecorate my dining room) But I'd take the comforts of my pretty things over the freedom to just live in whatever state I found the house (which wasn't a nice one...LOL) so if J wants a happy wife I guess he'll have to put up with the pretty (but in reality he really doesn't mind  he sees our "pretty" house as a reflection of my love for my family)

if you want to find yourself happy and content try surrounding yourself with the pretty things that put you at peace and that you love!!! You'll be amazed at the comfort you find


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